Built by builders, for builders

Essential policies for Aussie Builders.

Make sure you employees and sub-contractors are on the same page with standarised policies.

9 policies with your logo and company name.
Accessible at all times on site.
No need to print copies or keep paper on site.

Jack Slatter

Master Builder and Founder of Slatter Building

testimonial 1

Luke Bonnici

Full Stack Developer

testimonial 1

Oliver Jay
Founder of REVERE 3D

"Our CGI company needed a Virtual Tour solution to host 360 images for our property clients. Koala360 is perfect for this, super easy to use and looks great. We're rolling this out to all of our clients. 5-stars!"
Why it matters

Policies provide clear instructions on acceptable behaviour on site.

Help educate your workers in best practices and acceptable behaviour to reduce your risks.

are needed to ensure staff are aware of their on-site obligations and behaviours.
Haven't run a toolbox meeting? Here's how SafeWork recommend you do

How to make

toolbox meeting

Free site sign with a QR code that make it easy for tradies and contractors to scan the QR, enter the safety portal and fill out and submit required OHS forms
Two men working on scaffold wearing safety equipment and PPE
1. before job begins
Show your workers where to find the policies.

Policies are only good if workers know where to find them. Show them how to access it from the site sign.

2. Administration
Run an induction that explains the information in the policies.

When you run your site induction, be sure to go over policies and what is considered acceptable behaviour.

Two builders looking at plans and discussing safety and building strategy
Safety helmets in a site safety cage
3. Work Begins
Workers can refer to the policies at any time.

With all documents all people on site will be up to date with the latest safety information.

Live Demo

Your personalised policy portal.

BuilderShield puts all safety and compliance forms in one portal for your contractors and workers. They don't need an app, they submit the forms through the portal and you get them as PDFs.

(It's so easy, we can show you. If you submit the form it will show up in our dashboard as a PDF)

Try it now
try it for free

Focus on growing your business. We'll focus on safety.

BuilderShield makes managing OHS easy by bringing everything you need into one unified safety toolkit
Hassle free inductions for workers.

Plant Registers

Hold toolbox meetings on-site. Record your transcript then take a photo of the team to show the attendees. Hit the button to upload.

Record a transcript of your meeting.
Photographic evidence of attendees.
All your records in one place.
A screenshot of an automatic 301-redirect migration tool showing a visual editor. URLs are automatically best-matchedA screenshot of an automatic 301-redirect migration tool showing a visual editor. URLs are automatically best-matched

Time⌛️️= Money 💵

Easy to manage
5 pages / second
300 pages in < 1 minute. 1500 pages in < 5 minutes
User Experience
*current agency migration fee.
$0.10 per page

Tailored for the Modern Builder

We get it; you don't have time for complicated systems. BuilderShield was built by builders who understand what you need: A streamlined solution that gives you peace of mind.

Zero Downloads, Zero Hassle

That's right—no need to crowd your phone with yet another app. Our platform is web-based. Scan the QR code at the site, and you're good to go.


White-Labelled Safety Portal

Maintain brand consistency even in your safety protocols. With our white-labelled portal, you can upload SWMS, Plant Register, Site Inductions, and more—all under your company's branding.


Free Site Safety Sign

When you sign up for Builder Shield, a site sign with your unique QR code is generated. This links directly to your safety portal, making it easy for everyone on site to get on the same page, right from the get-go.


Safety That's Always at Hand

Need to pull up an OHS policy during a site inspection? With Builder Shield, all your crucial documents are digital and readily available at your fingertips.


Remove that Niggling Voice in the Back of Your Mind Once and For All

With Builder Shield, you're not just meeting OHS obligations—you're doing it the smart way. So why stress when you can build with peace of mind?

Frequently asked questions

What are BuilderShield Policies?

Builders are required to provide policies for various aspects of how their site works; bullying, drug and alcohol, OHS, PPE, UV and more. BuilderShield has standardises policies for these that enable you to focus on training and educating your workers about expected behaviour instead of policy writing.

Why use BuilderShield for policies?

Policies take time to write and need to be structured in a certain way. As policies for building sites are standard, BuilderShield has done the heavy lifting so you can focus on running a safe and compliant site instead of writing and updating your policies. If you require updates to policies, please contact us. With your input we can make them more robust.

What happens if workers are onsite without knowing about Policies?

Without training or having read the policies, your workers may break their terms and your sife will be unsafe and non-compliant as a result. It is important that you make these policies accessible and train your workers on them during the site induction.

Was BuilderShield made by Builders?

Yep! Jack is a master builder and owner of Slatter Building and had the idea to collect contractor and employee information through his website. Working with Master Builders to get his company OHS Jack and Luke developed idea to an OHS portal and BuilderShield was born.

What is the cost of BuilderShield?

BuilderShield is currently in Beta testing and free. Package pricing will be finalised soon.